Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Valunas Digital Portfolio

Monday, March 14, 2011

Rain, rain, go away... come again another day...

Hello Monday . . .
dark and dreary here today but green and still blossoming, and the rain and nitrogen from the storm are heaping doses of good stuff onto the ground and flowering beauty. Sometimes it can be really hard to get out from under the nice cozy covers on a dark day such as this but creativity can still flourish even on the gloomy days. Just got a new book on Steampunk- 2nd one in as many days and we can't wait to start fabricating more of our own findings and cold connections. This is going to be so much fun and the possibilities are endless. So if you are also a jewelry designer, look through all of the drawers and boxes of junk in the attic or garage and find all the rusty, old, useless pieces and parts. You will be surprised at how all of those will move your imagination into high gear... no pun intended.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Still here and busy gathering . . .

Well... we're not dead or lost but just busier than ever working hard on gathering supplies and resources for a busy week ahead. Can't believe it has been 6 days since posting last but trust me, you will be happy to know I have been looking for resources to pass along to our loyal fans that I think you will just love. Remember last week's blog post about the wonderful wire mesh necklace? Well I found the Lemmemakit blogspot with great directions and photos in case you want to try making your own.

Check out this blog and enjoy the other projects they have to keep your creative juices flowing!

Enjoy and see you next week!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our blossoming business . . .

Spring is such a wonderful time of the year with everything beginning to bloom. The beautiful flowering trees and bushes in our yard and all over the Houston area are in full bloom. Lots of lilacs, purples and pinks with vivid greenery everywhere! It's one of the best times of the year to reflect on the beauty around us and a great way to get inspired. I love these colors and have been pouring through photos and idea books to begin developing our new spring line of jewelry and accessories. It never ceases to amaze me . . . what started as a very therapeutic hobby several years ago, has turned into a very creative design business. Not only do I love the development process, I thoroughly enjoy creating all the graphics that we use for our blog, marketing literature, our training videos, and the new Website as well as for the artistic pieces of jewelry that we are busy working on. Can't wait to launch our Steam-Punk line as well as our Spring Blossoms Line. Check back often to watch the ideas explode into one-of-a-kind accents that you'll want to add to your wardrobe.

-Kudos to all of our followers for hangin' in there with us!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yikes... It's March already!

Wow. . .  time sure gets away from us with all the other things going on in our lives. Just finished watching the Martha Stewart Show and it was her kick off for the annual craft month. How many of you knew March is craft month? I'll bet if you checked it out, most of your craft blogs and craft supply companies will have lots of goodies on sale or to try this month that will keep you busy crafting. . .  and what better way to start your trek into spring but to get crafting on some new project. We've provided the link to her show feed because there is a very unique jewelry project using mesh ribbon that I know most of you are just going to love!!! Can't wait to try it out in our studio. Well, happy crafting everyone and see you tomorrow.